Moving along, heading north

So my travels aren't always about fun and games, and having a good time. I actually have to do things like cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry. I cook daily, and rarely go out, lol. You know, everyday chores, and everyday routines, just like you would do, if you were at home. So after a little short drive I stopped to do laundry, this time my pillows, my sheets, and some clothing. My goodness, the laundromat took about $20 after all that. Then a trip to Planet Fitness. A very long shower, and another session in the chair massage. All the while Jo Jo is in the bag, quiet as a mouse. For a chi chi, I am sure that some of my people refuse to believe that he can be quiet. But its true. I reinforce his quiet behavior. You should see him hanging on the hook, off of the shower rod, in his bag, in the Planet Fitness shower stall. Priceless. Makes me smile all day long. I didn't make it too far today, and stopped at the Dismal Swamp National Refuge. I am in Virginia!! The park was a...