My Anniversary Travel to Los Algodones

Its about the one year anniversary since I bought the "Sylver Gypsy." I returned home from my 7 month cross country journey in mid October, 2018. So I have been, I mean... "itching" to get back out on the road. To the point where I have an obsession about it. What a better way to celebrate an anniversary than by going on a trip, right? My friend, Eileen, and I took a trip towards Yuma, AZ, where I had some dental work done in Los Algodones (Molar City) Mexico. I went there in February to have an implant, and knew I had to wait at least 6 months for the crown. I am now, the proud owner of a brand new zirconia tooth....finally!!! The border crossing went well, however it was only 1/2 manned, with agents, so it was about a 45 minute wait through the line. With a quick stop for some Tequila, and a taco lunch, we made it through in great shape, and without issues. We spent some time rock hounding, and were directed to a remote area, on a 6.4 mile dirt road...