Ketchum, Idaho

There was quite a difference in temperature from the middle of the day to this morning, which was surprizingly chilly on the back side of Bald Mountain. I drove another couple of miles further down this dirt road, to reach Frenchmen's Hot Springs. It's part of this national forest. There were two men sitting in the hot spring, as I navigated my way down to the creek. And, as always, as a woman alone, thinking, if I even need to consider or reconsider this option? Damn it. Sometimes I wish I were a 300 pound football player. And don't mess with me. They were really nice, from Oregon, and owned a 100 year old cabin nearby. They had been sitting in these springs for 2 hours! They left. For about 5 minutes I was totally alone, stretched out, floating in occationally super hot, to chilly waters that ebbed and flowed. I smelled sulpher. It was pretty nice. My "moment" though, was quickly transformed. Little by little young men, and women, then their children, toddlers...