At home now… from the great 2023 Alaska Road Trip!

Jo Jo and I are home, from the trip of a lifetime! 106 days, 11,539 miles, 675 gallons of gasoline, a ton of fun, beautiful views, and amazing experiences. Other than a brief head cold, no other mishaps, except my souvenir windshield chips. The Sylver Gypsy performed wonderfully. She kept me safe and warm. My last days were drive heavy, but I managed a quick stop at Bryce Canyon National Park. My last night was in the Coconino Forest near Flagstaff, where I also made a brief stop at Sunset Crater. I’ll need a few moments to adjust being back to reality, but it’s nice to be home!


  1. Welcome home! Now it's time to rejuvenate and plan your next trip.

    1. Thank you, Jill! I have been so busy catching up. Making progress, and yes, next trip is soon, but of a different nature. You will have to plan a trip yourself to come here and visit me!


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