A day or two later

T he past 48 hours have been a tornado of events and emotions. I was able to arrange for a winch tow to pull out Sylver. She started right up, and I drove off the beach. My first and last time. I called insurance and had her towed to storage and am now waiting for an inspector. I don’t dare drive her any further until she is checked over. I am struggling with what transpired at the National Park service in N. Padre. As I used their phone to reach assistance, I heard the rangers state to others over and over, what they told me, what they told all that walked into the visitors center. “It’s ok to take a 2 wheel drive car/RV/truck up to mile 5” I asked about camping on the beach. Her response: “Well, what do you want to know?” That response should have been my first clue to question all of it. After mile marker 5, you need a 4 wheel drive vehicle. No other warnings, no other precautions, no other words of wisdom, or any clues that this was not the ...