More Seminole Canyon and pictographes

I took the 10 am guided tour to see the 2000-4000 year old pictographs. It was a climb down into the canyon for about a mile and a half. There were some amazing, and unique images, and many that were quite faded. One wonders when they will be gone. I left the park at about noon and drove to Del Rio. The time had come to see a dentist. I had an implant put in a few weeks ago. Long story short, I am back on antibiotics. According to the dentist the implant looked fine. But I've been experiencing quite a bit of pain to the point where it's keeping me up at night. As I write this, that was a couple of days ago, and I'm still feeling pain. I do hope that the medication kicks in. The xrays show that all else is really ok. But tell that to my aching face. I thought I would continue the domestic fun with grocery shopping and a trip to CVS. I am lucky that the dentist was able to see me on the same day that I showed up. I didn't want to spend a night at the nearby Wal-Mart, so I decided to back track to Amistad for one more night. There are many camping options there, and I was isolated near a field, right where I like it.


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