A day or two later

The past 48 hours have been a tornado of events and emotions. I was able to arrange for a winch tow to pull out Sylver. She started right up, and I drove off the beach. My first and last time. I called insurance and had her towed to storage and am now waiting for an inspector. I don’t dare drive her any further until she is checked over. I am struggling with what transpired at the National Park service in N. Padre. As I used their phone to reach assistance, I heard the rangers state to others over and over, what they told me, what they told all that walked into the visitors center. “It’s ok to take a 2 wheel drive car/RV/truck up to mile 5” I asked about camping on the beach. Her response: “Well, what do you want to know?” That response should have been my first clue to question all of it.  After mile marker 5, you need a 4 wheel drive vehicle. No other warnings, no other precautions, no other words of wisdom, or any clues that this was not the thing to do. They say Texas law allows anyone to drive on the beach. So they have an open door letting it all on the beach. Safety takes a back seat, I guess. Other Travato owners have been successful. But it was my turn to have my first traveling challenge, which was bound to happen eventually.

After a very long afternoon, I must have looked like a lost soul, or drowned rat. The winch driver invited me to his home. At first I was stunned that anyone would offer this, but I accepted. I had a safe, and warm home, with a brisket meal, and a hot shower. I was able to confirm insurance coverage, so I am now in a hotel efficiency with a rental car until this is resolved. I laid low today, to catch my breath, and Jo Jo was just as lazy as me. We are tied to the hip, you know.


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