Cookie's Pottery and Fair Haven

I spent a day at "Cookie's Pottery at the Train Station" in Martville, New York. Mary is a very proficient potter who has been at her craft for roughly 40+ years. We relived high school days, and modern hot topics. We talked about the challenges of running an art business. I had the privilege of touring her property in this wooded area with various buildings that represented her studio and showroom creations. She recently moved into her property after many years of building. Mary uses the name/logo "Cookie" to promote her pottery. She opens up her property to dedicated collectors who not only have the opportunity to purchase her pottery, but enjoy an afternoon in this fun garden setting. I boondocked overnight, next to her barn, in pristine peace.

I headed to Fair Haven State Park. I had never been to this park in all the years that I had lived near here. I found a beautiful spot near a large pond and had breakfast. I did some walking today and wound up on the beach and actually went into the lake a couple of times. The weather was warm, but rather pleasant. It was time to draw, so I sketched the shoreline of Lake Ontario. I got back to base camp in time to pick some more blackberries. But, not until I stopped at Orbakers Drive In. A standard classic burger joint, in Williamson. Time has stood still In this old time business. Order behind the counter, sit down, and have a burger, kind of place. They still sell ice cream sundaes for $1. I hope to come back and have an actual hamburger at some point. Marina and I both enjoyed games of Uno and checkers this evening. She is a joy, and great company, a true sportsgirl.


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