The Journey Home to Arizona

Well, much has changed over the last 10 days to two weeks. A pipe burst at my house, and my attic was flooded affecting drywall, insulation, electrical, dripping, moldy, slop. I decided to go home two and a half weeks early so I could deal with this, and coordinate with contractors for repair. Part of me is really upset, but I can't be, in the end, because up until this moment my trip has gone exceptionally well. At any moment I knew there could be a reason to drive me back home, and at least I got the majority of my trip in before this unfortunate mishap.

Because I am that stubborn, I do plan on finishing off the 2 and 1/2 weeks of my 3-month journey sometime in September to October. I may just go to the Yosemite area, which I had been to previously, and it may be just as well, to avoid the summer time crunch, with excessive travelers where temperatures will be cooler and crowds will be more subdued. And then I'm thinking I need to visit Death Valley, and Joshua Tree and also consider doing some more rockhounding during the cooler fall season. Hmmmm, a lot to consider.

Over the last two days I drove 18 hours. My experience going to art shows kicked in, and I was certainly on autopilot. But continual driving by yourself is difficult. I will tell you that there's literally nothing on Route 95 which is on the farthest western side of Nevada, parallel to California. There were flatland valleys, with distant mountains, and virtually nothing in
between---a few ghost towns, and an army depot, with barracks!

Better have a full tank of gas. It was hot, in the 90's to over 109°. I did see a wild horse. 

I thought I'd buy breakfast in the morning so I could start the drive without delay (5:30am). I always make my breakfast, but I was thinking about an Egg McMuffin. It was so rural, in this area, that it took me 4 1/2 hours to find that McDonald's! Aren't they on every corner? Not in this part of the country. Lol, I know it's really pathetic. But it was a Sunday and everything seemed to be shut down. 

So, I think in the end, it will work out for the best. In the meantime I have mixed emotions about being home and overwhelmed with gratitude that I've had the opportunities that I've experienced. I am so glad that Jo Jo got me home safe and sound. He is a trooper putting up with all the places I have taken him. With only a few complaints.

As always, when you're away, there's a lot of catch-up to be had, so I will do my best to catch up, get back in the studio for a bit, before I reconsider the next adventure.....very soon.


  1. Sorry you had to cut your trip short, but glad you made it home safely.


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