Shoshone Falls in Idaho, and on to Fossil Beds


Near Twin Falls, Idaho!

Shoshone Falls is a waterfall on the Snake River in southern Idaho, United States, approximately 3 miles northeast of the city of Twin Falls. Sometimes called the "Niagara of the West," Shoshone Falls is 212 feet high—45 feet higher than Niagara Falls—and flows over a rim nearly 1,000 feet wide. 

Pretty falls, and a nice stroll around with Jo Jo. I also stopped at an overlook of the Snake River. 

I continued north through dry grasslands, and reached the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument near Hagerman, Idaho, contains the largest concentration of Hagerman horse fossils in North America. The fossil horses, for which the monument is famous, have been found in only one locale in the northern portion of the monument called the Hagerman Horse Quarry. 

I stopped in briefly, to the tiny visitors center and talked to a pretty old park ranger. I wonder if its a place like this where you end up, in your career, after the excitement of the major parks like Grand Canyon, or Yosemite? He was sweet, and seemed excited to have a visitor. I wound up at the Bell Rapids boat launch, right on the Snake River, and across from the Fossil Beds. It was my view for the night. People were coming and going to launch their boats, and I took 2 dips, in the river, as it was quite warm outside. I am still striving to reach cooler weather. But I am so glad it cools down nicely overnight.


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